Tuesday, September 25, 2007

) We don't see things as they are,we see things the way we are - David Mitchell, Number9dream

Monday, September 24, 2007

34.61°S - 58.37°O

My watch tells me that it is 9.58 pm. Despite that obvious fact, the sky speaks of a late afternoon in the setting sun, the warmth of which helps you fight the freezing atlantic breeze that gets holds of Buenos Aires in early spring. Something isn't quite normal. The fact strikes me that I haven't bothered changing my wrist watch to help me navigate in the argentinian timetable. The discrepancy has followed me for a week now, and my mind has integrated the duality of being in two places at once: Zürich and here, 10'850 km away. It dawns on me that I am the luxurious creature of a globalized world - my time is the one I choose. I find it extremely boring, wishing I couldn't so easily escape local contigencies of where and when. I want to be entirely here, far away from there, hiding in the distance and nowhere to be seen, beyond the horizon.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

)Laughter is the shortest distance between two people - Victor Borge

Passbild-Automat forever